Customer Comments:
The manual is great!
Kenneth W. -- Missouri
I really liked the manual!
Ergon D. -- Ohio
I loved the manual...very informative!
Dustin R. -- California
There was definitely a wealth of knowledge and comedy in the manual too!
Mike T. -- Michigan
I really liked the package! Your after the sale support is rare and much appreciated.
Ray K. -- North Carolina
I really enjoyed reading your manual!
Jeff B. -- Florida
The manual was very helpful!
Menelik M. -- Maryland
The manual was very good!
Michelle S. -- Illinois
Your book is phenominal! It contains all the important info my partners & I were looking for. Your decision to share your years of experiance with us will save our company from making costly mistakes. I like the way you've organized the chapters to show what to do from beginning to the end of the job. The sidebars...are fun & informative.
Linda M. -- Arizona
The manual has some very useful information.
Vershaun J. -- Michigan
I found the manual to be a good source of information on how to start up this business.
Mike K. -- Wisconsin
The manual was a big help in starting my business, as of today I have my sixth job (work order) and two national clients.
Shawn T. -- Ohio
The manual is great, very informative!
Chris R. -- Florida
The manual has alot of information I was looking for.
Brian B. -- Tennessee
I like the manual...I got alot of useful contact information from it.
Tom C. -- California
The manual was great...it had alot of useful information.
Harold B. -- Maryland
The manual was very informative and well written...I got alot out of it.
Lance J. -- Louisiana
I found the manual very detailed...I can tell you've spent alot of time on it.
Lisa K. -- Florida
The manual has a wealth of information...very thorough!
Karen P. -- California
I would just like to tell you that your manual was the most informative information I have reviewed for experianced as well as contractors just breaking into the market.
Lawrence W. -- Ohio
I like the common sense approach to the cleanout process. This was a good investment.
Michael H. -- Alabama
We really enjoyed the manual. The manual was very helpful in telling us what steps to do so we didn't have to go through and do many of them over and over.
Karla & Steve A. -- Florida
The manual was very informative and designed for people like me...step by step. Glad I made the purchase.
Gary H. -- North Carolina
The manual was pretty easy reading. It gave alot of common sense info on trashing out the houses.
John O. -- Arizona
As far as the manual goes...It was excellent! I also appreciate your support and reachableness after the sale.
John T. -- North Carolina
I very much liked the manual.
Michael J. -- Texas
The manual is a really nice guide.
Mitch S. -- Washington
The manual has some really good information.
Troy C. -- Iowa
I liked the manual.
Frank B. -- Washington
The manual was a great.
Ken S. -- Arizona
The manual has been very useful for getting and understanding of the business.
Ron D. -- North Carolina
The information in the manual was very helpful.
Carol S. -- Washington
The manual was great...it was well worth the money!
Hugh T. -- West Virginia
The information in the manual was in-sightful and hilarious at times.
Denny E. -- Georgia
The manual was well worth the money...you covered it all!
Alan R. -- Florida
Thank you for writing a great book! I am grateful for it! God Bless.
Mark D. -- Minnesota
The manual has been a good investment, everything I needed to start is in your manual.
Isaias M. -- Maryland
The manual was very helpful and well done!
Kevin K. -- North Carolina
Liked the manual...getting things going!
Glenn G. -- Michigan
The manual taught me alot about the cleanout business...I'm actually working my first cleanout!
Daniel D. -- Georgia
The manual was great...it was very informative and give a good basis for the industry.
Heather G. -- Ohio
The manual was very informative.
Scott B. -- New Jersey
I liked your manual alot and have found it to be very informative and helpful. It is written concisely enough to be a reference while on a jobsite and yet it also still contains full text explanations to be truly indepth when not on the jobsite.
Bob M. -- Virginia
Just got our first cleanout last week.
Sean D. -- Louisiana
I really liked the manual.
Dennis K. -- North Carolina
Loved the manual.
John R. -- Pennsylvania
The manual is very helpful, I'm going to start my business soon.
James P. -- Florida
Your manual is very informative and has helped us every step of the way!
Brandon R. -- Texas
Loved the manual, gave me a good headstart on things. We now work for 12 National Companies and 5 Corporate Real Estate companies. Been very busy lately!
Inge H. -- Michigan
The manual is a very fine piece of work, easy to understand, funny, and most helpful!
Raymond S. -- Indiana
I liked the manual alot. I've done a couple of cleanouts already and they went great.
Nicholas S. -- Virginia
I bought your manual and I'm now doing property preservation.
Michael G. -- Colorado
The manual got me started in a successful business...thank you.
Jay G. -- California
I followed the advice in your manual and got two large clients...I now have four crews running.
Mike A. -- Rhode Island
It was a great manual...you did a good job on it!
Tim O. -- North Carolina
The manual was good.
Ron K. -- New Jersey
I thought the manual was very good. It was easy to read and understand.
Jesse O. -- Texas
I thought the manual was great...alot of helpful information.
Jim H. -- Colorado
Your manual has been read from front to back several times. Our business has been successful and we now have accounts with three large national companies. Thank you for your manual it has been a big help to our business.
Kimberly H. -- Nevada
The manual was good.
Garry J. -- Texas
The manual has been very helpful...in the process of getting started.
Johnnie G. -- Massachusetts
I thought your manual was excellent! It was very comprehensive and I really enjoyed the real life experiences that you included as it really helps you get a feel for what you will be experiencing in this line of work. I feel that your book is a valuable resource that everyone thinking about venturing into this line of work, or even those already in it, can learn alot from.
Keith S. -- California
I really enjoyed your book. It was very informative and held my interest.
Richard B. -- Minnesota
I found your product very beneficial. I appreciate your service after the sale.
Toron T. -- Tennessee
The manual was awsome! It was very detailed...written to be understood by anyone who purchased it. Most of the time I would order something online, I would find that it did nothing that it was suppose to do. But this was the most expensive and well worth every penny I spent. Thank you for sharing a piece of your success with me.
Tenesha J. -- Virginia
The manual was good. Actually just finished up my first quote.
Ron S. -- Michigan
The manual is great; very complete!
Daisy R. -- Texas